
Western Australia, Australia

Brindle Vineyard

Start exploring....

Yarra Valley, Victoria, Australia

About The Vineyard

Brindle Vineyard is in the Wilyabrup area of Margaret River wine region, just inland from the wild shores of the Indian Ocean, which brings soothing cool breezes in summer.

Between the vineyard and the sea is a rocky outcrop that holds a clue to the history of the Earth itself - a granite belt formed in the Precambrian supercontinent, Rodinia, when what is now India was joined to this corner of Western Australia. This ancient geology gives the area its soils of decomposed granite with coffee rock and iron stone.

Handpicked Wines has a long-term collaborative partnership with Brindle Vineyard to grow premium Cabernet and Merlot fruit. Our winemakers visit regularly throughout the year and we are fully supportive of efforts to increase the health and potential of the vineyard through sustainable practices. These include the application of compost and compost teas, strategic planting of legumes and other beneficial crops between rows and a parallel reduction in the use of chemical sprays.

Brindle Vineyard, Margaret River, Western Australia, Australia

Brindle Vineyard

Wine We Produce In This Vineyard

  • Cabernet Sauvignon

  • Cabernet Merlot

  • Merlot

Facts About The Region

  • Varieties and clones :
    Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot (various clones of each)
  • Vine age :
    planted 1998
  • Trellis :
    Vertical shoot position
  • Vine density (Ha) :
  • Soil :
    Decomposed granite with coffee rock and iron stone